Do pet insurances cover the Medical Pet Shirt®?

In this blog, you will find out whether the Medical Pet Shirt® is covered by pet insurances. More and more pet owners are taking out pet insurance due to the increasing costs of veterinary care. And good news: most pet insurances cover the Medical Pet Shirt® and other MPS protective wear. This makes the animal-friendly alternative to the cone even more attractive! Therefore, always ask your veterinarian about the possibilities prior to a medical procedure or in case of a medical condition.

To overview

Our beloved pets are not just ‘pets’. They are truly part of the family. That’s why we want to provide them with the love, care, and attention they deserve. We all hope that our furry companions stay healthy and live long lives. In reality, all pets sometimes need some extra care. And how upsetting would it be if you couldn’t provide your beloved pet with the care it needs because of rising medical costs? Pet insurance can offer a safety net against unexpected expenses.

What to consider when choosing pet insurance?

What is covered and what is not covered varies from one pet insurance to another. Some insurers offer basic and premium packages. So, make sure to check in advance what is covered and whether it meets the needs of your pet. You can also check this for the Medical Pet Shirt® and other MPS products. Some insurers specifically mention the Medical Pet Shirt®, while others classify it under “medical devices”. When in doubt about coverage, always contact the insurer.

Reimbursement of the Medical Pet Shirt® by pet insurance

Professional (after)care following a medical procedure or in case of a medical condition is essential for good recovery of your pet. If your veterinarian does not offer the Medical Pet Shirt® as an animal-friendly alternative to the cone, ask about the possibilities.

Most pet insurances reimburse the Medical Pet Shirt® and other MPS products*. This makes the animal-friendly alternative to the pet cone even more appealing. Some benefits of the Medical Pet Shirt®:

  • Pets can eat, drink, move, and play during recovery
  • Protects wounds, sutures, skin problems, and more
  • Safe for the pet and environment
  • Reduces the risk of infections
Cone vs. MPS

*Always check the terms and conditions of your pet insurance to ensure whether the Medical Pet Shirt® or other MPS products are covered.