The Medical Pet Shirt® is a professional alternative to the cone and full body bandage. This versatile shirt protects your pet and environment after a medical procedure, during recovery, with a skin condition and a lot more. What includes a lot more? In this post, we will give a few examples of how the shirt could also be used.
It is springtime, the temperatures rise, and the nature is in full bloom. A lot of us really enjoy this period, but we are not the only one. These are the perfect conditions for one of your pet’s enemies: ticks! Ticks will actively search for blood meals and they often find these meals at our pets. This can cause large problems. Ticks can be infected with bacteria and could transmit the Lyme disease to your pet for example. Good prevention is essential. Consult your veterinarian for proper preventive measures. But you provide additional prevention for your dog with the Medical Pet Shirt®. The Medical Pet Shirt® covers your pet’s entire torso. In this way, you reduce the risk that ticks could reach your pet!
Moreover, the Medical Pet Shirt® offers a good protection in case of excessive licking. Especially cats spend a lot of time licking their fur. This is normal cat behavior. However, some cats exhibit excessive licking behavior and this could even lead to bold or infected spots. Dogs also often exhibit excessive licking behavior. This behavior could be caused by many factors. Consult your veterinarian for the right diagnosis and treatment. Again, the Medical Pet Shirt® offers additional protection of the entire torso. Thanks to the Medical Pet Shirt®, your pet cannot lick the spot on its torso anymore, but he can still move freely in contrast to the traditional cone.
The Medical Pet Shirt® is available in a Dog, Cat and Rabbit version.